Universal Restorative Balm

5 Amazing Uses of Balm That You May Not Be Aware Of

5 Amazing Uses of Balm That You May Not Be Aware Of


If you're going to ask me about one thing that I can't leave the house without, aside from my phone and wallet, it would be my balm.

In fact, even at home, I always make sure that everyone has one in their cabinets. While this may be handy, a balm brings so much benefits and can replace several items especially when you're packing. Today, I'm going to share with you the other uses of balm that you may not be familiar on. 

Why do I always bring a balm with me?

The main reason why I bring a balm is for my skin. My skin often gets dry because of the weather, so the balm helps me in instant hydration. However, I discovered that aside from my skin, I can also use my balm for other things which I will share below:

1. For My Lips

My balm provides my much-needed hydration and protection for my chapped or dry lips. Whenever I apply it, my lips remain soft and healthy throughout the day.

2. For My Nails

Recently, I also discovered that applying balm to my cuticles can help nourish and moisturise them. This promotes healthy nail growth and helps me prevent painful hangnails.

3. For Insect Bites and Minor Burns

You probably heard of the bed bug infestations, and we don't like it. In any case, a balm with soothing ingredients can help relieve the itchiness and discomfort associated with insect bites or even minor burns.

4. For My Hair

Aside from hair and nails, it can also do wonders to my crowning glory! Some balms can be used to tame frizzy hair or flyaways, which gives me an easy solution for maintaining my youthful look. 

5. Bonus: When My Body Needs a Massage

This has got to be my favourite among them all - massage and relaxation. As long as your balm has suitable consistency, it will work well for massage sessions and therapy, helping relieve sore muscles or tension after a long day. 

Which Balm Do I Recommend?

I've tried so many balms for the past years, but there's only one that I am comfortable and confident using everyday. Tonik Skincare’s Universal Restorative Balm is a prime example of a multi-purpose balm that can be used on your lips, skin, cuticles, hair, and more, providing hydration, soothing relief, and protection wherever needed.

Unique Features of Tonik Skincare’s Universal Restorative Balm

Some of the unique features and benefits of Tonik Skincare’s Universal Restorative Balm include the following:

  1. Natural and Organic Ingredients

The balm is made with a blend of natural and organic ingredients, ensuring that it’s gentle on the skin and suitable for those who prefer eco-friendly products. It also makes it an ideal option for travellers with sensitive skin or allergies.

  1. Suitable for Various Skin Types and Concerns

Tonik Skincare’s Universal Restorative Balm is formulated to cater to various skin types and concerns, making it a versatile solution for travellers who may encounter different environmental conditions or have varying skincare needs during their journey.

If you're seeking a high-quality, multi-purpose option, I recommend trying Tonik Skincare’s Universal Restorative Balm. Not only it does wonders to your skin, but also to your hair, nails, and even whole body! You might see it as something super handy, but the reality is it can bring huge benefits for your health, hygiene, and total convenience!