Cruelty Free Skincare

7 Ways to Take Care of Your Beautiful Eyes

7 Ways to Take Care of Your Beautiful Eyes

To see is to believe – that’s right.

But more than just knowing if something is real, seeing also helps us with how we work, move, and find what we need. It’s a need, and having bad eyesight can be a daily source of frustration. 

If your sight is not as good as it used to be, you’re not alone. The good news is it’s not too late, as you can still take care of your eye vision through these tips! 

Tips on How to Take Care of the Eyes

  1. Check Your Eyes Regularly. Your optician can screen for cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, and other degenerative eye illnesses that are common in older people. Many people are unaware that an eye exam can detect the onset of other general health issues such as diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol. If getting out and about is difficult for you, ask your doctor or optician if a home visiting optician is available in your area.
  2. Wear Sunglasses. Direct sunlight can harm your eyes, cause cancer, and cause other health problems. Bring sunglasses with you to decrease the quantity of direct sunshine that your eyes are exposed to. If you wear prescription glasses, consider using prescription sunglasses to safeguard your eyes. You won’t have to compromise between seeing clearly and keeping your eyes protected from the sun.
  3. Consume Nutritious Food. Certain meals can help you see better. Vitamin C-rich foods (kiwis, strawberries, red bell peppers, papayas, and oranges), as well as antioxidant-rich, beta-carotene-rich, and lutein-rich foods (sweet potatoes, carrots, spinach, squash, broccoli, and kale), can help prevent age-related macular degeneration.
  4. Quit Smoking. Smoking is bad for your eyes; studies suggest that it raises your risk of age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts. Cigarette smoke irritates the eyes, making dry eyes worse.
  5. Go for Indoor Lights. While dim lighting can make for a romantic dinner, it can also put a lot of pressure on our eyes. If you watch a lot of TV or read inside your room, try to keep the area well-lit. This will assist your eyes in focus and minimise eye strain significantly.
  6. Take an Eye Break. If you spend a lot of time watching TV or working on a computer, take frequent breaks. Every 20 minutes, have a 20-30 second break. This will enable your eyes to relax even for a short period of time.
  7. Exercise. Improved blood flow increases the quantity of oxygen that circulates throughout your body, including your eyes, improving eyesight and removing pollutants from your system. As you get older, any form of exercise is beneficial. It doesn’t have to be strenuous, so don’t be afraid to incorporate walking, yoga, and other low-impact activities.

The ones we mentioned above are highly recommended tips to have healthy eyes. In terms of protection, one natural way of keeping the eyes safe is through your eyelashes, and you can take care of them through organic lash serums. 

Right now, there are several products on the market that are specifically designed to promote healthy eyelashes. These products typically contain nourishing ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that can help stimulate growth. Some popular options include TONIK Lash Boost Serum, Revitalash, and RapidLash. These products are applied to the base of the lashes, and results can typically be seen in as little as a few weeks.

Remember, our eyes serve as the window to the world. Take care of your eyes, and eyelashes with our highly-recommended Lash Boost serums now!